Deanna R. Willis, MD
Family Medicine Professor of Primary Care and Population Health Research
Professor of Family Medicine
Vice Chair of Research
- drwillis@iu.edu
- Address
1040 Wishard Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46202 - PubMed:
Dr. Willis (she/her) received her medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a Masters of Business Administration at Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Dr. Willis is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, and she has completed the Institute for Healthcare Improvement year-long Improvement Advisor program, which prepares health care professionals to lead performance improvement efforts in complex healthcare environments.
By building quality initiatives, framework and strategy over the years, she has developed a practical approach to educating medical students, residents, and practicing physicians about performance improvement in their practices. As previous Statewide Competency Director for the Social and Community Context of Healthcare for all nine campuses of Indiana University School of Medicine, she directed the competency curriculum related to cultural competency and quality improvement. She previously served on the national American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on Education, as Chair of the Subcommission on Global Health, and as Cahir of the Commission on Finance and Insurance. She has also served as the previous President of the Indiana Academy of Family Physicians.
Dr. Willis served as Chief Medical Officer of Quality and Medical Management for Indiana University Medical Group-Primary Care from 2001-2012 where she facilitated achievement of Level 3 National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient Centered Medical Home and Diabetes Recognition Program recognition for all of the commercial practices. From 2013-2016, she was Transformation Officer/Senior Medical Director of Quality Improvement for IU Health Physicians, where she led the Lean transformation of IUHP’s 200 physician practices and 6 value streams. Nationally, she has co-chaired the American Medical Associations Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement’s (PCPI) Preventative Care Technical Expert Panel, served on the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) Wellness and Geriatric Expert Work Group, and the National Board of Medical Examiners Computer Simulation and Patient Safety Committees. Other past and current roles include medical director of the IU-Methodist Family Medicine Residency’s Family Medicine Center and Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Family Medicine.
Key Publications
Summanwar D, Ropert C, Barton J, Hiday R, Bishop D, Boustani M, Willis, D. Agile Implementation of Alcohol Screening in Primary Care. BMC Primary Care 25, 251 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12876-024-02500-7.
Fowler N, Swartzell K, Hammers D, Brosch J, Murray J, Willis D. Feasibility and Acceptability of using Plasma Biomarkers for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease in Primary Care. Innov Aging. 2023 Dec 21;7(Suppl 1):477. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igad104.1568. PMCID: PMC10736787.
Fowler N, Mullavey J, Swartzell K, Hammers D, Brosch J, Murray J, Willis D. Implementation of a Digital Cognitive Screening Program for Dementia in Primary Care. Innov Aging. 2023 Dec 21;7(Suppl 1):607. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igad104.1984. PMCID: PMC10737193.
Swartzell KL, Willis DR, Hammers DB, Brosch JR, Murray JF and Fowler NR (2023), Implementation of cognitive screening in primary care: DIGITAL- Indiana University Health System and Indiana University – A Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative flagship site program. Alzheimer's Dement., 19: e076649. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.076649
Hammers DB, Fowler NR, Brosch JR, Swartzell KL, Banks RE, Jannati A, Mullavey J, Gomes-Osman JR, Murray JF and Willis DR (2023), Comparative Performance of the Digital Clock and Recall™ Test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Saint Louis University Mental Status Among Patients in Primary Care. Alzheimer's Dement., 19: e079034. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.079034
Lee MK, Yih Y, Willis DR, Fogel JM, Fortenberry JD. The impact of gender affirming medical care during adolescence on adult health outcomes among transgender and gender diverse individuals in the United States: The role of state-level policy stigma. LGBT health. 2024 Mar 1;11(2):111-21.
Angioni D, Delrieu J, Hansson O, Fillit H, Aisen P, Bittner T, Sims J, Braunstein J, Sabbagh M, Cummings J, Pontecorvo M, Bozeat S, Dage JL, Largent E, Mattke S, Correa O, Gutierrez Robdledo LM, Baldiviseso V, Willis D, Bateman RJ, Ousset PU, Vellas B, Weiner M & EU/US/CTAD Task Force. Blood biomarkers from research use to clinical practice: what must be done? A report from the EU/US CTAD Task Force. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. 9, 569–579 (2022). PMID: 36281661 https://doi.org/10.14283/jpad.2022.85
Wang D, Willis DR, Yih Y. The pneumonia severity index: assessment and comparison to popular machine learning classifiers. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 163:104778, July 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022. PMID: 35487075.
Glassburn S, Delbridge E, Loghmani T, Newton A, Binion K, Romito L, Willis DR. Communication Tools and Strategies for Interprofessional Teamwork in a Comprehensive Pain Assessment Clinic in Primary Care. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 29(100541): August 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2022.100541.
MacLeod T, Baksh MR, Filho OC, Govia I, Robledo LM, Kowa H, Ritchie CW, Willis DR, Coppinger J, Ball DE, Murray JF. Framework for disclosing AD biomarker results following cognitive assessment within a pragmatic, multi-country implementation evaluation. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2022 Dec;18:e063746.https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.063746
Rawl SR, Christy SM, Perkins SM, Tong Y, Krier C, Wang HL, Huang AM, Laury E, Rhyant B, Lloyd F, Willis DR, Imperiale TF, Myers LJ, Springston J, Skinner CS, Champion VL. Computer-tailored intervention increases colorectal cancer screening among low-income African Americans in primary care: Results of a randomized trial. Preventative Medicine, 145:106449, April 2021. PMID: 33549682 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106449
Alibeiki H, Kumar K, Ballard J, Given S, Willis DR, Taylor J. Primary Care Appointment Systems: Causes and Implications of Timely Arrivals. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 18: e202118002, 2021. doi: 10.4301/S1807-1775202118002
Webber EC, McMillen BD, Willis DR. Health Care Disparities and Access to Video Visits Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from a Patient Survey in Primary Care. Telemed J E Health. 2022 May;28(5):712-719. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0126. Epub 2021 Aug 27. PMID: 34449270.
Curtin M, Willis DR, Enneking B. Learning Disabilities: The Family Physician’s Role. American Family Physician 100(10):628-635, Nov 2019. PMID: 31730315
Willis DR, Williams J, Gebke K, Bergus G. Satisfaction, Motivation, and Retention with Academic Faculty Incentive Compensation Systems: A CERA Study. Family Medicine. 50(2):113-122, February 2018. PMID: 29432626
Daggy, J., Lawley, M., Willis, D., Thayer, D., Suelzer, C., Sands, L., Using No Show Modeling to improve Clinic Performance. Health Informatics Journal 16(4): 1-14, 2010.
Willis, D.R., Bennet, I., Jones, B., Renshaw, S., Holley, M., Dankoski, M. Practice Based Learning and Improvement in Family Medicine Student Clerkships: A CERA Study. Family Medicine 46(6): 423-428, June 2014. PMID: 24911296.
Norris JB (student), Kumar C (student), Chand S, Moskowitz H, Shade SA, Willis DR. An Empirical investigation into Factors Affecting Patient Cancellations and No-Shows at Outpatient Clinics. Decision Support Systems 57:428-443, January 2014.
Willis DR, Bennet I, Jones B, Renshaw S, Holley M, Dankoski M. Practice Based Learning and Improvement in Family Medicine Student Clerkships: A CERA Study. Family Medicine 46(6): 423-428, June 2014. PMID: 24911296.
Nuti LA , Lawley M, Turkcan A, Tian Z, Zhang L, Chang K, Willis DR, Sands LP. No-shows to primary care appointments:subsequent acute care utilization among diabetic patients. BMC Health Serv Res. 12,1-9:304, September 6, 2012. PMID: 22953791.
Rawl SM, Skinner CS, Perkins SM, Springston J, Wang HL, Russell K, Tong Y, Gebregziabher N, Krier C, Smith-Howell E, Brady-Watts T, Myers LJ, Ballard D, Rhyant B, Willis DR, Imperiale T, Champion VL. Computer-delivered tailored intervention improves colon cancer screening knowledge and health beliefs of African-Americans. Health Education Research 2012; 27(5): 868-885, October 2012. PMID: 22926008.
Smith-Howell ER, Rawl SM, Champion VL, Skinner CS, Springston J, Krier C, Russell KM, Perkins S, Rhyant B, Lloyd F, Willis DR, Imperiale T, Myers LJ. Exploring the Role of Cancer Fatalism as a Barrier to Colorectal Cancer Screening. Western Journal of Nursing Research 33(1): 140-141, January 2011.
Clark D, Keith N, Chrysler L, Perkins A, Willis DR, Abernathy G, Smith F. Screening, referral, and participation in a weight management program implemented in five CHCs. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. January 2010; 21(2): 617-628. PMID: 20453361.
Rawl S, Sugg-Skinner C, Champion VL, Springston J, Perkins S, Tong Y, Gebregziabher N, Krier C, Rhyant B, Russell K, Imperiale T, Willis DR, Jones-Myers L. Predictors of readiness to screen for colorectal cancer in primary care patients. Annals of Oncology 21 (Suppl 6):vi31-vi121. 2010
Rawl SM, Skinner CS, Champion VL, Springston J, Perkins S, Tong Y, Gebregziabher N, Krier C, Rhyant B, Russell K, Imperiale T, Willis DR, Myers LM. Predicting Stage of Readiness to Screen for Colorectal Cancer among African Americans. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 17 (Suppl 1): S167-S168. 2010.
Daggy J, Lawley M, Willis DR, Thayer D, Suelzer C, Sands L. Using No Show Modeling to Improve Clinic Performance. Health Informatics Journal 16(4): 1-14, 2010. PMID: 21216805 doi: 10.1177/1460458210380521
Callahan CM, Boustani MA, Weiner M, Beck RA, Livin LR, Kellams JJ, Willis DR, Hendrie HC. Implementing Dementia Care Models in Primary Care Settings: The Aging Brain Care Medical Home. Aging and Mental Health October 2010, 15(1):5-12 PMID: 20945236.
Chand S, Moskowitz H, Norris J, Shade S, Willis DR. Improving Patient Flow at an Outpatient Clinic: Study of Sources of Variability and Improvement Factors. Health Care Management Science 12:325-340, 2009. PMID: 19739363.
Subramanian U, Ackermann R, Brizendine E, Saha C, Zhou H, Rosenman M, Willis DR, Marrero D. Effect of Advanced Access Scheduling on Processes and Intermediate Outcomes of Diabetes Care and Utilization. Journal of General Internal Medicine 24(3): 327-333, 2009. PMID: 19132326.
Clark D, Keith N, Chrysler L, Perkins A, Willis DR. Design and reach of a primary care weight management program. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. February 2008; 19(1):171-179. PMID: 18263993 doi: 10.1353/hpu.2008.0014
Chou AF, Yano EM, McCoy KD, Willis DR, Doebbeling BN. Structural and Process Factors Affecting the Implementation of Antimicrobial-Resistance Prevention and Control Strategies in U.S. Hospitals. Health Care Management Review 33 (4):308-322, October/December 2008. PMID: 18815496.
Willis DR. Non-compliant: 55-word Stories of the Underserved. Family Medicine, 40(4):244, April 2008.
Willis DR. Surviving Pay for Performance. Practice Manager, pp. 18-20, June 2008.
Willis DR. Room for Improvement: Encouraging Your Physicians and Staff to Improve Quality of Care. Practice Manager, pp 14-16, September 2008.
Qu X, Rardin R, Williams J , Willis DR. Matching Daily Healthcare Provider Capacity to Demand in Advanced Access Scheduling Systems. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 821-826, 2007.
Willis DR. Book Review: Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities. Family Medicine 39(5):366-367, May 2007.
Kopach R, DeLaurentis PC, Lawley M, Muthuraman K, Ozsen L, Rardin R, Wan H, Intrevado P, Qu X, Willis DR. Effects of clinical characteristics on successful open access scheduling. Health Care Management Science. 10(2) 111-24, June 1, 2007. PMID: 17608053 doi: 10.1007/s10729-007-9008-9
Willis DR. Making Every Minute Count: Practice Efficiency Tools. Family Practice Management 12(4):61-66, April 2005. PMID: 15889777.
Willis DR, Zerr, A.D., Terminating a Patient: Is it Time to Part Ways. Family Practice Management, 12(8): 34-38, September 2005. PMID: 16218291.
Willis DR, Kelton GM, Saywell RM, Kiovsky RD. An Incentive Compensation System That Rewards Individual and Corporate Productivity. Family Medicine 2004; 36(4):270-278, April 2004. PMID: 15057618.
Willis DR. How to Decide Whether to Buy New Medical Equipment. Family Practice Management. 11(3):53-58, 2004 March. PMID: 15045879.
Sevilla-Martir JF, Willis DR. Embracing the Medical Interpreter as Part of the Healthcare Team. Family Practice Management 11(7): 34-37, July/August 2004. PMID: 15315286.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1999 | MBA | Indiana University |
1994 | MD | University of Missouri |
1990 | BS | Northeast Missouri State University |
Dr. Willis' research expertise is in the area of implementation science, particulary in the area of improving quality of care, healthcare service operations, team based care, and interprofessional education and practice.
She was the principal investigator of the Indiana University/IU Health Early Detection Flagship of the Davos Alzherimer's Collaborative Healthcare System Preparedness, working on implementation of early detection of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias into primary care office practices.
Dr. Willis (she/her) works to create a welcoming and engaging space for all patients. Her care philosophy is based on engaging patients and their care partners in shared decision making designed to help each patient achieve their personal healthcare goals. She understands that patients face many barriers to their healthcare and seeks to understand how those barriers are impacting their care and working to find resources and options to empower patients to improve their health.
Desc: Trustee Teaching Award
Scope: University
Date: 2020-05-01
Desc: Trustee Teaching Award
Scope: University
Date: 2009-05-01