12427-Frain, Barbara

Barbara M. Frain, MS

Director of Clinical Cytotechnology

Associate Professor of Clinical Cytotechnology

Program Director

IU Health Pathology Laboratory
350 W 11th Street, Room 6002
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Barbara joined the Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine as faculty inĀ 1999 . She has provided service to her profession on the state and national levels, recently completing a 6 year term as a member of the ASCP Board of Certification Exam committee. Barbara has served as a site visitor on several occasions, as well as serving on committees for local and national organizations. She has given numerous professional lectures and workshops at local, state, and national events.

One of her most rewarding recent experiences (May-June 2014) was being selected as one of a team to travel to Botswana, Africa and help screen a backlog of Pap smears.

In March 2016 she spent a week in Peru screening for cervical cancer in a high risk population.

Key Publications


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