11436-Schlueter, David

David P. Schlueter, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

(317) 962-8880
Methodist AG001
Indianapolis, IN
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Dr. David P. Schlueter II MD FACEP graduated from DePauw University with a degree in Economics and then Indiana University for Medical School.  He received the Mary Jean Yoder Award which, "honors a graduating senior who exhibits high moral character, academic excellence, and, especially, dedication to service of others." He started residency in general surgery at Methodist/I.U. but after 3 years "saw the light" and transferred to emergency medicine. Dr Schlueter completed residency at Michigan State/ KCMS in 2001 where he was named Emergency Medicine Resident Teacher of the Year. David practiced in the community setting in Chicago, Michigan and central Indiana for 3 years prior to starting on staff at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Methodist Hospital in 2004.

Outside of clinical emergency care and teaching , Dr. Schlueter's medical interests include healthcare economics, health systems, and policy.  He was a board member of Indiana ACEP from 2005-2011 serving at Vice President 2009, President 2010, and has been a Councillor to National ACEP.  He is the City Lead for the NFL and Indianapolis Colts also serving as an airway management physician.  

David enjoys family time with his wife and three kids, lots of outdoor stuff/sport especially cycling/skiing, traveling to South Haven MI and CO, reading theology, and painting.

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