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eskenazi hospital and green space surrounding the hospital

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at Eskenazi Health

Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital is the 327-bed flagship medical center for Eskenazi Health, Indiana’s oldest public healthcare system. Construction of this state-of-the-art facility was completed in December 2013. This clinical site averages approximately 850 anesthetics per month and is known for providing anesthesia and pain management for a broad spectrum of adult and pediatric cases.

Looking over the shoulder of surgeons in the operating room Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center

As Indiana’s first and busiest Level I trauma center, Eskenazi Health provides training in high acuity penetrating and non-penetrating trauma which often necessitate complicated surgical intervention. Anesthesia residents receive focused instruction in trauma resuscitation, difficult airways, vascular access, massive transfusion, and treatment of coagulopathies.

Richard M. Fairbanks Burn Center

Eskenazi Health contains the only verified adult burn center in Indiana, serving as a regional referral center for complex thermal injuries. Anesthesia residents receive comprehensive training in burn resuscitation, volume management, transfusion medicine, and intravascular catheterization in patients with limited access sites. In addition, advanced modes of ventilation and difficult airway management are often required for patients with severe inhalational injuries.

Obstetrical Anesthesia

Eskenazi Health has a high-volume obstetrics service, averaging approximately 2,500 deliveries per year. This experience provides significant exposure to various neuraxial techniques and includes obstetrical anesthesia for uncomplicated pregnancies, as well as more high-risk gestations. Eskenazi Health has two dedicated obstetrical operating rooms to accomplish the full spectrum of cases.

Regional Anesthesia

Surgeon in Eskenazi Operating Room

Eskenazi Health's Acute Pain Service is a consistent favorite among residents. Each resident spends two months focused entirely on regional anesthesia and acute pain management. The service provides a vast array of regional techniques, including both single shot and catheter placement. There are approximately 5,000 regional blocks placed annually, all of which are performed by residents with direct staff instruction. Eskenazi Health will serve as one of the rotation sites for the Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Fellowship commencing in August 2021.

Remote Anesthesia

Eskenazi Health provides anesthesia in a broad range of non-operating room anesthesia (NORA) sites. These NORA sites include endoscopy, MRI, cardiac electrophysiology, in addition to complex interventional radiology and neuroradiology procedures.

Division Leader
91-Sanford, Michael

Michael W. Sanford, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesia

Medical Director, Preadmission Testing Clinic
12091-Brock, Dana

Dana M. Brock, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesia

Director, Acute Pain Service
11280-McBride, Grant

Grant L. McBride, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesia

Director, Obstetrical Anesthesia
12937-Dorwart, Amy

Amy L. Dorwart, MD

Assistant Professor of Anesthesia Practice

Director, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
19725-Cummins, Danielle

Danielle Cummins, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesia

Anesthetist Lead
39082-Williams, Bart

Bart Williams, MSA, CAA

Lecturer in Anesthesia

Anesthesia Admin
Faculty Profile Picture Placeholder IUSM Logo

Marian Smithson

Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital
720 Eskenazi Ave.
Indianapolis IN 46202
317-880-5385 Phone
317-880-0488 Fax

Anesthesia Admin
Faculty Profile Picture Placeholder IUSM Logo

Anita Wells-Fortner

Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital
720 Eskenazi Ave.
Indianapolis IN 46202
317-880-5385 Phone
317-880-0488 Fax