Funding for biomedical research tightens nationwide, yet IU School of Medicine continues to attract new funding in critical areas of medicine.
Funding for biomedical research tightens nationwide, yet IU School of Medicine continues to attract new funding in critical areas of medicine.
IU School of Medicine offers a robust learning and teaching environment to prepare the next generation of healers and transform health.
IU School of Medicine faculty provide expert primary and specialty care for patients in Indiana.
IU School of Medicine is the largest medical school in the United States. Comprised of five basic science departments and 20 clinical departments, IU School of Medicine offers exceptional training for students wishing to pursue a medical degree. With the Class of 2020, the school implemented a new medical education curriculum that better reflects the modern U.S. health care environment and delivery models, readying students to practice medicine in a team-based, interdisciplinary setting.
Ready to take the next step in your medical education? Explore IU School of Medicine education programs and find requirements, curriculum and application information.
All events, programs, groups, activities, educational, cultural and historical observances are open to all members of the Indiana University community.